Our open house winners. Congratulations!
The girls district 15 tournament will be streamed on the Tetons YouTube channel. Here is the link.
The NTHS Softball Team is sponsoring a merch sale! Go to this link: https://nte-sb23.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
Good morning. This message is to inform all parents and guardians of students at New Town Public School that there will be a district-wide lock down drill this morning at 10:30 am. Your children will be in no danger. This is only a drill.
This is to clarify that there is a boy's basketball game tomorrow, February 9th with White Shield. JV starts at 5:30 and Varsity starts at 7.
Middle School Valentine Dance on February 16 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
Bring the FAMILY to Edwin Loe Thursday, March 2
6:00-8:00 pm
Dinner will be served
Scholastic BOOK FAIR (cash or credit card) BINGO
Stomp Chomp Dance Off Dinosaur Escape Room
ND EPSCoR will have STEM Activities for students K-8
Prairie Public will be in attendance with books for students K-6 along Early Childhood Activities for preK - grade2
The New Town Police Department with the New Town Elementary School have begun a program to help strengthen the relationship between students and law enforcement. The program is called "Officer for an Hour". Students who display exemplary behavior, good citizenship, positive interactions with other students and staff can be nominated for this program. We want to recognize those students that go above and beyond. The student who is chosen will be "sworn" in by the Chief of Police and given a uniform to match. The student will be paired up with the School Resource Officer for an hour and will be at the Edwin Loe Elementary School. We encourage all students to be good citizens and great students in the New Town School District.
Our first student chosen was very excited and performed her duties amazingly. Coincidentally, the student's father and mother both work for TAT Law Enforcement, thank you for your service
The JH Boys Basketball game that was scheduled for this afternoon has been cancelled.
District Girls Basketball Bracket Go Eagles!!!
This is a friendly reminder that the high school and middle school open house and parent-teacher conferences are this evening at 5 pm to 8 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Senior parents: Caps and gowns are in and were dispersed to seniors this morning! A letter was mailed home last week about upcoming deadlines and other information. Please make sure your child tries their cap and gown on ASAP, so replacements can be ordered. Remember, this does not guarantee that your child will graduate. If you have any questions, please email me at nancy.reimer@k12.nd.us.
This week's events in sports
Monday 2/6
JHBBB @ Alexander @ 4:30 (leave at 2:45)
BBB @ Alexander @ 5:45-JV, 7-Var
Tuesday 2/7
JHBBB vs White Shield (home games) 7th grade-4:30, 8th Grade 5:30
BBB @ Stanley C-4:15, JV-5:45, Var-7:15 (leave at 3)
Thursday 2/9
GBB @ Williston State College vs #7 Alexander District Tournament 6:00 pm
Friday 2/10
GBB @ Williston State College vs TBD
Girl's Wresting regional tournament @ Williston High School
Saturday 2/11
GBB @ Williston State College vs TBD.
Wrestling @ Beulah Regional Wrestling TBD
BBB vs. Garrison (home) c squad-2, JV-3:30, Var-5
Monday 1/30
GBB vs Mandaree (home) 5:30/7pm
This is a reschedule from Dec. 16
Thursday 2/2
BBB @ Williston Trinity 5:30, 7:15 Leave at 3:15!
GBB vs Williston Trinity 5/ 6:15 Senior Night!!!
Friday 2/3
JHBBB @ Stanley 4:30 @ Stanley Elem school
BBB vs Kenmare (home) 4:15??? 5:45, 7:15
Saturday 2/4
JHBBB vs Mandaree (home) 11am
BBB Vs Mandaree (home) 12:30, 2:30
This is a make up from Dec 16.
check this out!
Due to weather conditions the vaccination clinic is postponed to February 2nd.
New Town High School announces Quarter 2 Honor Roll. Congratulations to our students!
New Town High School announces the Semester One Honor Roll. Congratulations to all of our students!
Events this week at NTHS!
JHBB vs Parshall 4:30 and 5:30 games times. (Home game)
Tues (VERY BUSY DAY!!!). (Home Game)
BB vs Trenton JV @ 4:30, Var @ 7:30
GBB vs Trenton JV @ 3:00, Var @ 6:00
Winterfest Coronation
GBB @ Kenmare . JV @ 5:45, Var @ 7:15
Wrestling @ New Salem (tournament)
Wrestling @ New Salem (tournament)
GBB @ White Shield JV @ 1:00, Var @ 2:30
BB @ Tioga JV @ 1:00, Var @ 2:30
JHBB @ Tioga Starting at 12:00pm
The Edwin Loe Elementary School Open House/Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on February 13th from 5pm to 8pm.