The NTPS annual Veteran's Supper will be held this evening at 6:00 pm at the Edwin Loe Elementary School. All veteran's and their families are invited.
This is the notice that school will be let out today at 3:00 pm due to the weather. However, the Veteran's Program will still be held this evening at 6:00 pm at the Edwin Loe Elementary School.
There is Saturday Academy today at the high school from 9-4. Students are encouraged to come in and get their grades up and their hours down.
Time to order a class ring. There is a $40 off a class ring promo starting Monday. It goes from Nov 7-Nov 18. Go to :
Time to order your letterman jacket! Go to to customize yours today!
If you did not order a 2021-2022 yearbook last year and would like one, we have a limited number left over! For $30 you can pick one up at the business office.
The NTHS Drama Team competed today at the Region IX One Act Competition in Williston. Coach Nancy Reimer got Region Coach of the year with Amy Nelson from Burke Central. Xaria Bell received a Superior Acting Award and Shali Heart received an Honorable Mention. Finally….the team took 2nd place and qualified for state!!!
There will be a blood drive at the NTHS Library on December 14th from 9 am to 2 pm. Please go to to make an appointment. This is sponsored by the NTHS Student Council.
Movie Night at Edwin Loe Elementary!
There is Saturday Academy today at the high school from 9 to 4. Please encourage your child to attend to get their missing work completed.
Edwin Loe Elementary School is holding Parent Teacher Conferences tonight from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. We look forward to seeing you at parent/teacher conferences this year. A supper will be served in the cafeteria.
Friendly reminder: Parent Information Meeting tonight at the Edwin Loe Elementary School at 5 PM. This is for any parent that have students at NTPS . See attached flyer for more information.
This is a friendly reminder that Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held at the NTHS/MS tonight from 5-8 pm. A meal will be served. Come and help us celebrate your child's academic success!
NEWS RELEASE (Second notice)
The New Town Public School District Board of Education will be conducting its annual parent input meeting at the New Town High School cafeteria on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 6 pm. A meal will be served.
The annual meeting is held in accordance with Federal regulations connected to the Federal Impact Aid Program. Under Section 8003 of Impact Aid, the district receives federal funds in lieu of taxes for lands taken off the tax rolls. Funding is provided for students living on Indian Trust Lands, and some funding for students whose parents work on Indian Trust Property Lands but live off such property. The district receives approximately 12 percent of its total revenues from this source.
The purpose of the annual parent input meeting is primarily to ensure parents that Native American students are allowed to participate in every program and aspect of the school district, including extra-curricular activities. Parents are also allowed to provide input into the general K-12 programs of the school district.
The New Town Public School District Tribal Consultation Plan required under the new education law, “Every Student Succeeds Act” will also be presented. The plan was approved by the MHA Nation on June 28, 2022.
The school board and administration will listen to parents throughout the year, but this special board meeting is for the specific purpose of hearing their input.
Also, the Tribal Ed Department give $25 gift cards to all parents who attend the IPP meeting if you have a child in the New Town Public School District.
NTHS Quarter 1 Honor Roll Announced. Great Job everyone!
This is a friendly reminder that there is no school on October 20 and 21 at New Town Public School. School will resume on October 24.
Parent Information Meeting on October 24th at the Edwin Loe Elementary School at 5 PM. This is for any parent that have students in the NTPS. See attached flyer for more information.
Join us for NASA Family Night at the Edwin Loe Elementary School tonight from 6 to 8 pm. Lots of hands-on activities!
Don't forget! Picture retakes are on Monday, October 17th at both the MS/HS and elementary school from 8 am to 11 am.
Koda the Warrior is coming to Edwin Loe Elementary School on October 17th and 18th!