Thank you to everyone that came in last week to complete high school class schedules. There was a great turn-out! It is much appreciated. Class scheduling will not be available again until Thursday, August 11th through Sunday, August 14th at the Little Shell Pow Wow in which there will be a booth set up to complete schedules. If your child is not registered at New Town Schools and will be attending this year, registration packets must be picked up and at the high school office prior to completing a schedule. If you have any questions, please contact
High School class registration has been moved to the elementary cafeteria until further notice due to a power outage at the high school building. Please share!
Class Registration
Class Registration
For grades 9-12
starts today!!
8 am to 4:30 pm daily
in the Business Office
Pick your classes now!
New Town Public Schools
Fall Sports
Girl’s Golf
1st Practice, Monday, August 1st
Caroll Howling Wolf, Head Coach
1st Practice, Thursday, August 4th
Dustin Benton & Travis Herman, Head Coaches
Cross Country
1st Practice, Monday, August 8th
TBA, Head Coach
1st Practice, Monday, August 15th
Dyan Fox, Head Coach
Orrin Weyrauch, Athletic Director
Please note that all student-athletes need to have a sport’s physical BEFORE they can attend practices.
If you have any specific questions, please contact the athletic director or the coaches.
Also, if your student-athlete failed or non-credited any classes last semester and did not attend summer school, they may not be eligible to participate due to the eligibility policy in the athletic handbook. Please refer to the handbooks on the school website at for more specific information.
New Town Public School District #1
Classified Ads
Coaching Vacancy
July 21, 2022
HELP WANTED: The New Town Public School District #1 is presently accepting applications for the following coaching position for the 2022-2023 school year.
Varsity Cross Country (Head Coach)
Applications can be picked up at the school district business office. Interested persons should submit a completed application and/or a resume of related experience to Mr. Marc Bluestone, Superintendent, P.O. Box 700, New Town, N.D. 58763.
This is to notify all interested parties that the school board meeting scheduled for this evening will be held at the New Town High School in the school board room and not in the Elementary School as previously announced. Thank you.
The school board meeting that was scheduled for this evening has been postponed until Thursday, July 21st, at 6 pm. We apologize for any inconveniences.
Class of 1982 NTHS tour.
Students and Families,
Please take a look at the new cellphone and electronics policy posted below. The school board has adopted this policy and this is the policy that will be followed when school starts in August. Please have a conversation with your students! Cell phones are becoming one of the largest issues we deal with, and we are hoping this will help us get back to creating more of a distraction free learning environment for our students!
The New Town Public School District acknowledges parental concern for the safety and well-being of their children while they are attending school or school-sponsored activities. We also understand parental beliefs that students’ possession of cell phones/electronic devices enhances their safety and security. The school realizes, however, that student misuse of cell phones/electronic device:
(1) Undermine the learning environment
(2) Disrupt academic instruction and distract students
(3) Compromise the integrity of student testing
(4) Increase disciplinary problems including bullying
(5) Violate privacy rights of students and staff
(6) Increase the school’s exposure to opportunistic litigation and potential legal liability
Possession of Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
(1) New Town students in grades K-8 may not have cell phones/electronic devices with data services, or ear buds in classes for any reason. Cell phones must be turned into teacher designated receptacles at the beginning of their first-class period and can be picked up at the end of each day.
(2) High school students may use cell phones/electronic devices before school, during lunch, and after school in halls and common areas. Teachers may collect cell phones at their discretion if student use interferes with the orderly classroom expectations of the classroom.
(3) Students who attend after school extracurricular activities may have a cell phone/electronic device in their possession.
Cell Phone/Electronic Devices Disciplinary Action
The publication of this cell phone/electronic device regulation serves as a first (1st) warning to students for disciplinary purposes. Failure to adhere to the terms of this regulation will result in the following progressive discipline.
• First (1st) Offense - The cell phone/electronic device shall be confiscated and given to the principal for the remainder of the school day and picked up by the student at the end of the day. A discipline referral will be completed for documentation.
• Second (2nd) Offense - The cell phone/electronic device shall be confiscated and held by the principal until a parent/guardian picks up the unit in person at the end of the day. A discipline referral will be completed for documentation.
• Third (3rd) Offense - The cell phone/electronic device shall be confiscated and held by the principal and the student will be deemed insubordinate and will receive one (1) day of in-school suspension and a parent meeting with administration and the SRO. A discipline referral will be completed for documentation.
• Fourth and subsequent offenses – The student must turn it in to the school office every day.
Responsibility for Cell Phones/Electronic Devices—Students are solely responsible for the care and custody of cell phones/electronic devices that they choose to bring to school. The New Town School District shall not assume responsibility for damage, loss, or theft of any cell phone or electronic device. Furthermore, New Town School District shall not assume responsibility for damage, loss, or theft of any cell phone/electronic device that is confiscated according to this regulation. From the school’s perspective, these items should be left at home and not brought to school.
Sylvan is available to New Town students in July. See attached flyer for more information.
This is a friendly reminder that the driver's education class begins next week, June 20-June 24 at the Edwin Loe Elementary School for all students ages 14 and up. Students must have their driver's permit. The cost is $125 for New Town students and $300 for students from another district. Please contact for more information.
NTHS is proud to announce the 2021-2022 Semester 2 Honor Roll students!
New Town High School announces the Quarter 4 Honor Roll students!
The unofficial school board election results are as follows:
North Area
BJ Brady--28 votes
Nikki Lahtinen--22 votes
South Area
Delvin Driver Jr. --13 votes
NTHS parents and students: please check your child's PowerSchool. If they have failed any classes, non-credited classes, or have any absences over 7, it is in their best interest to come to summer school. Summer school started on June 1st last week. However, it is not too late to come in. The summer school sessions are every two weeks and there are a total of three sessions. The final day of summer school is July 15th. This is a great opportunity for you child to avoid retention and/or earn credits. There are three teachers on staff to assist students. Please email if you have any questions.
See attached for the 2022-2023 school supply list for elementary students at Edwin Loe Elementary School.
See attached for the 2022-2023 school supply list for kindergarten students at Edwin Loe Elementary School.
This is a friendly reminder that school will be dismissing at 1:00 pm for the Edwin Loe Elementary students and at 1:10 pm for the middle school and high school students today. The last day of school will be this Friday. Summer is almost here!
Senior Parents: This is crunch week! To ensure that your child is eligible to walk on graduation day, your child must meet the following criteria:
1. They must be passing all of their required classes needed for graduation.
2. They cannot have any assignments on ICU.
3. All of their attendance hours must be below 7.
Graduation practice is mandatory on Friday May 27, at 9:30 am. All seniors must be in school at 8:30 am to check out of their classes and clean out their lockers. After graduation practice, if they have not met graduation eligibility, they are required to stay in school until 4:00 pm. If they have not met graduation eligibility by this time, they cannot participate in the graduation ceremony on May 29th. It is imperative that we all work as a team to help these young adults meet their goal. The time for procrastination is gone and every day counts!
If you have any questions, or would just like to know the status of your child, please email or call me. Thanks! Nancy Reimer~~graduation coordinator
Good morning! There is Saturday Academy at the high school and middle school today starting at 9:00 am. Please note that this is the last academy for middle school students. We are here to help!