Class of 2021
Please see attached Sylvan schedule for New Town students.
Public Notice: No New Town Public School athletic programs are fundraising at this time. If you get a call from 1-208-315-6733 or any other number or door-to-door solicitor, do not give them any money or information as they are not associated with the school. Please spread the word to protect our community members and families.
The unofficial school board election results are as follows:
Marietta Heart--17 votes
Joleen Steele--14 votes
Roger White Owl--8 votes
If any community member needs to seek shelter due to dangerous weather, the New Town Middle School/High School is available and open this evening. Please use the business office doors.
New Town High School Graduation is tomorrow at 2:00 pm in the high school gymnasium. Please remember for the safety of our elders and our community that the graduates have been given 10 wristbands each to limit the number of people by decision of the New Town School District School Board. The graduation ceremony will not be open to the general public without a wristband.
However, the ceremony will be live-streamed and available online at
Thank you for your understanding.
Reminder: The 8th grade graduation for NTMS is this evening at 6:00 pm in the NTHS Gymnasium. Doors open at 5:15 pm.
Summer School starts Tuesday, June 1st.
Contact your child's school for more detailed information.
Breakfast and Lunch will be served at the elementary school.
For elementary students: There will be a bus in town, in the village, and Bakersfield.
Dear Families,
The District will be receiving $6.7 million in Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief dollars over the next 3 years. Just over 40 community members filled out this survey at the Indian Taco Feed we had last week. If you have not filled out this survey, please do so as soon as possible. We want to know how YOU think we should spend these dollars. There are rules we have to follow; for example any construction must be tied directly to CoVID. . .for example adding a classroom so we can maintain social distancing would be approved, but a new baseball field would not. Here is the link to the survey
Community ESSER Spending Survey
Thank you,
Superintendent Zietz
New Town Public School District #1
Summer Food Service
Edwin Loe Elementary School
June 1-30, 2021
The New Town Public School District announces the sponsorship of the Summer Food Service Program. The Summer Food Service Program is a program of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Free meals will be made available to all children, regardless of family income, during the summer program. Adults may eat lunch for $ 4.00 and breakfast for $ 2.50.
The program will begin on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at the Edwin Loe Elementary School. We plan to run the breakfast and lunch program through Wednesday, June 30, 2021. Breakfast will be served from 8 am to 9 am and lunch will be served from noon until 1 pm.
As in previous years, a bus will provide transportation from Bakersfield and Dragswolf Village for the Summer Food Service Program. This bus also provides a way for students who are enrolled in summer school to get to school and to be taken home again. Summer school will be held from June 1-29, 2021. Grades K-5 classes will be held at the elementary school. Grades 6-8 classes will be held at the middle school. Grades 9-12 classes will be held at the high school.
The bus will be stopping at Dragswolf Village at 7:30 am and Bakersfield at 7:45 am to pick up students who wish to come to breakfast. Please remember that if your child is planning to attend summer school, he or she will need to catch the breakfast bus. All elementary and middle school summer school students who ride the bus will be returned at 12:45 pm. High school summer school students will have class until 3 pm or 4 pm depending on the class. Parents must provide transportation home for these students.
The LAST Saturday Academy at NTHS for the 2021 school year is today from 9-4. Get those grades up and your hours down. We are here to help you!
The NTHS Athletic/Activities awards will be tonight, May 20th, at 6 pm in the NTHS cafeteria. Everyone is invited!
Tonight in the MS/HS Cafeteria there will be free Indian Tacos at 5-6:30 pm! We really want your input on how we should spend the ESSER dollars.
The Athletic/Activities awards will be May 20th at 6 pm in the cafeteria.
Sports participating in the awards ceremony:
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
One Act Play
Missoula Children's Theater is here this week! Open to all students K-12.
Free Indian Tacos! Monday, May 17, 5:00-6:30 PM at the New Town High School Cafeteria. See attached flyer for more information.
Don't forget!
There is Saturday Academy today at the high school from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. There is no virtual option available.
Middle School Saturday Academy today from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. No appointment necessary.
Reminder: The New Town Schools will be holding an appreciation dinner on May 7th, this evening at 6:30 pm honoring Legion Auxiliary Members. Please join us for a meal honoring local auxiliary members.
There is Saturday Academy tomorrow from 9-4 at NTHS.
However....there is NO virtual option. Academy is in person only.
Time to get your hours down and grades up. Only 20 days left of school!
Please email for more information.
See attached for more information