The launch of our distance learning to the students will begin on Monday, March 27. Materials to students will be delivered via the bus routes beginning at 10:00. We ask that parents meet the buses to retrieve the materials. For students that in town and not on bus routes, materials can be picked up at their child's school office. Please call ahead and the materials will be brought to your vehicle.
Edwin Loe participates in #aworldofhearts
New Town Public School continues to provide food service to our students. We miss you all!
Good afternoon. The NTPS will continue on contacting every family about internet access and preference of educational material for students throughout the week. If you have not received a call by Tuesday afternoon, please contact your child's school office.
Teachers at the elementary are practicing social distancing. :-)
This is a reminder that there is no school from March 23rd until March 31st as per the Governor of North Dakota and the executive order pertaining to school closure. School may resume on April 1st. Employees from the school will be contacting every family in the next few days to inquire about internet capabilities at home in case we have an extended school closure due to Coronavirus and we must provide distance learning.
As per the Governor of North Dakota, school will be closed for another week. School will resume on Monday, March 30. The New Town Public School District will still be offering a grab-and-go breakfast from 8:30 am until 9:30 am. In addition, a sack lunch will be provided from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm. The meals will be available in the white school suburban parked in the parking lot right outside the service entrance of the high school cafeteria. Four Bears Segment will deliver both the breakfasts and the lunches to their community. Please check with the Segment office for their delivery times.
The administration, cleaning crews, and kitchen staff are all working hard today to ensure the safety of our students. Great job everyone! You are appreciated!
The elementary school is getting it done! Great job everyone!
See attached notice about the NTHS Prom plans.
The New Town Public School District will be offering a grab-and-go breakfast this week beginning tomorrow from 8:30 am until 9:30 am. In addition, a sack lunch will be provided from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm. The meals will be available in the white school suburban parked in the parking lot right outside the service entrance of the high school cafeteria. Four Bears Segment will deliver both the breakfasts and the lunches to their community. Please check with the Segment office for their delivery times.
See attached message from the North Segment.
As per the Governor of North Dakota, school will be closed for one week beginning tomorrow, March 16 until March 20. School will resume on Monday, March 23.
This is a reminder that there is no school on Monday, March 16 due to a professional development day. School will resume on Tuesday, March 17. Also, due to the cancellation of the state basketball tournament, there will be school on Thursday and Friday, March 19-20.
Public Service Announcement from the New Town Public School District Board of Education:
For the safety and security of our students and staff, there will be no after school activities including tutoring, Saturday Academies, open gyms, or weight room workouts until at least May 1st. The school buildings will be closed at 4:30 pm daily. The business office will be closed at 5 pm. No school building or office will be open on the weekends for any activity. The school district will not send out any students for field trips during this time. The Missoula Children’s Theater (March 30-April 2) will be postponed to a later date. Prom (April 18th) is tentatively still on the schedule. However, the district may decide to limit outside guests. A decision will be made within the next 2 weeks regarding this event. Parent Teacher Conferences is scheduled for April 20th and 21st may be moved to May as well. A decision regarding PTC’s will be made in the near future.
In addition, all previously scheduled events such as the Little Shell Warbonnet Dance (March 28), and the Elbowoods Classic Basketball Tournament (April 10-12) will not be allowed to use the school district’s facilities.
Any school closure will be based on the risk factors to the school district following the guidelines and consultation from the Governor’s office, the ND Department of Public Instruction, the ND Department of Health, and the MHA Nation.
Please continue to follow the ND Department of Health recommendations:
o wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
o avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands;
o cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and throw it away;
o clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces/objects regularly;
o get plenty of rest, drink fluids, and eat healthy foods;
o avoid close contact with people who are sick;
o and stay home when you are sick.
The school board and administration strongly believes that this is no time to panic and to keep your children from attending school. We are doing our best to keep the school safe and secure for our children and staff.
Students of the month for February-students that show a good attitude and character every day. They come to school ready to work.
Soaring Eagle-a student who has improved in academics, behavior, or attendance.
Edwin Loe Elementary had their pie the teacher day on Friday. The top three readers in each class for the month of February got to throw a pie at their teacher. It was all in good fun and there were many smiles and laughs.
This is a friendly reminder that there is no school on Monday, March 16th due to a professional development day. School will resume on Tuesday, March 17th. Have a safe and relaxing weekend.
March 13, 2020 2:45 pm
FARGO – On Friday, March 13, due to the Emergency Declaration issued by President Trump the NDHSAA all remaining 2020 NDHSAA Winter Postseason State Tournaments including the 2020 NDHSAA Class B Boys Basketball State Tournament. In addition to the remaining 2020 NDHSAA Winter Postseason Basketball State Tournaments being suspended, all remaining fine arts and spring sports seasons have been suspended indefinitely, which includes practices and game contests. Further information will be released as it becomes available.
Message from the New Town Board of Education, March 12, 2020