Monday 5/6
Golf @ DLB leave @ 7:45 am
Track/Field @ Nedrose (TBD)
Tuesday 5/7
Track/Field @ Parshall Northwest Conference Meet
Softball @ Rugby (leave @ 12:00)
Golf @ Divide Co. Northwest Conference Meet (leave @ 7am)
Thursday 5/9
Spring concert
Track/Field @ Parshall
Friday 5/10
Softball @ Fargo Tournament
JH Golf @ New Town Meet
Track/Field @ Shilo Bismarck
Saturday 5/11
Softball @ Fargo Tournament
Please be aware of last minute changes due to weather conditions!!
Congratulations to our winners at this year's Art Show!
Best in Show- Taiya Bad Hawk and Meka Church
Best in Native American Art- Akaiah Whiteman
Best in Painting- Brianna Haugsdal
Best in Drawing- Ilse Rojas (Middle School)
Best in Crafts- Lucy Lahtinen
Best in Ceramics- Marissa Yellow Bird
Best in Sculpture- Audrina Luna
The 2024 After-Prom Party was a big success!
Sending a huge thanks to all the people who
made it happen.
48 Students Attended and 28 Stayed until the Very End!
Parent, Police, and Admin. Volunteers
New Town Jack & Jill-Drinks and Snacks
Teliea & Josh-Taco Bar
4 Bears Casino-DJ Jurassic Jamz, Decor, Subway Platters,
and ($532.03 left over for next year)!
North Segment-Beats Solo3, 4 $50 Best Buy Cards, 3 $100 Eagle’s Landing Cards
Chairman’s Office, 4 Bears Segment, and Roberta-HP Envy Laptop
New Town School-$300 New Town Bucks
Bethany & Enos-Hisense 65” Smart TV and Cupcakes
United Quality-Blanket, Sweatshirt, $25 Card, and ($75 left over for next year!)
Luke & Nikki-2 pairs of AirPods Pro, 4 Airtags, $100 Target Card
Reynold’s Insurance Agency-1 ND State Fair Concert Ticket, 1 Mega Ride Pass,
and 1 Seasonal Gate Pass
Darby & Mary-Dorm Fridge
MWEC-3 ND State Fair Concert Tickets and 1 Seasonal Gate Pass
Teddy’s Suites -$250 Misc. Cards
Little Missouri Suites-$250 Misc. Cards
Bernice & Ben-4 $50 Scheels Cards
RTC- 2 Stanley Mugs Packed with Goodies
Enerplus-1 pair AirPods, JBL Flip 6 Bluetooth Speaker, 3 $100 Amazon Cards
TAT Game and Fish-2 Sets of Camping Chairs, VB Nets, Waterbottles, and Fishing
Poles with Tackle Boxes
Up date!!!!
Sat 5/4
Track @ Watford City Meet (TBD). (Events start at 11am)
Golf @ Stanley (TBD) (instead of Friday)
Mark your calendars! On the last day of school, May 24th, school will be dismissing at 1:00 pm for students. Summer is coming!
Missoula children’s theater try-outs are today from 4pm to 6pm for grades 1st to 12th. There is a bus that will take students from elementary school to the high school. Students will need to be picked up at the high school. Some students will need to stay from 6:15 to 8:15 for a second rehearsal. A letter will be sent home tonight laying out the week.
High School Students and Parents:
It's crunch time!
We have 4 weeks (20 days) of school left starting this Monday. We have the opportunity for students to make up their hours.
Here are the available hours for the coming weeks (per week):
Monday through Friday Lunch ICU – 5 hours
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday After School ICU (4pm-6pm) – 6 hours
Wednesday After School ICU (3pm-6pm) – 3 hours
Saturday Academy (9am-4pm) – 7 hours
This gives the opportunity for 21 hours per week, so for the remainder of the school year, students can make up 84 hours. Time is running out!
Mon 4/29
Softball (double header)
1st game vs Renville Co. game starts @ 3:30
2nd game vs Glenburn (10 min after)
Games will be held in Glenburn
JH Golf @ Watford City (leave @ 7:45)
Tues 4/30
HS Golf @ Burlington (Leave at 7:45)
Track/Field @ Dickenson
JH Track/Field @ Nedrose (Minot)
Wed 5/1
Eligibility runs
Thurs 5/2
Softball @ Ray
NWC Track Meet @ Parshall 11:00 am (JH/Var)
Friday 5/3
Softball @ Bishop Ryan (Minot)
HS Golf @ Stanley (leave at 7:45)
Track-Sioux Falls (TBD)
Saturday 5/4
Softball @ Stanley 1 pm
Elem BB @ Parshall 10am
Track- Sioux Falls (TBD)
Please be aware of schedule changes due to weather conditions
Remember! There will be school on April 29 to make up all of the late starts and the one early release.
Please note: There is school on April 29 to make up for the late starts!
This is a friendly reminder about STEM NIGHT featuring the Edwin Loe Robotics Club and the Gateway to Science from Bismarck tonight from 5 to 7 pm.
Please note: the HS track meet scheduled for Friday @ Rugby has been moved to Thursday.
Indian Taco Sale
The Senior Class will be having an Indian Taco Sale
at the high school gym lobby on
Monday, April 22 from 5 to 7 PM.
The funds will go towards graduation flowers for all graduates
Cost will be $10.00 a plate which will include an Indian taco, a dessert, and a drink.
Mon 4/22
JH golf @ Burlington (leave @ 7:45)
Elem BB @ Williston Trinity 4:30/5:30 (leaving at 2:30)
Tues 4/23
JH Golf @ Kenmare (leave @ 7:45)
Softball vs Divide County @ Stanley Field (leave 2:15) Game at 4:00
Track @ Stanley (TBD)
Wed 4/24
Eligibility runs
Var Golf @ Watford City (leave @ 7:45)
Thurs 4/25
Elem BB @ White Shield 4:30/5:30 (leave @ 2:30)
Fri 4/26
Community Clean up
Track @ Rugby (TBD)
Sat 4/27
State Speech @ Mandan (leave Friday)
Please keep in mind that schedules may change due to the weather! (hurray spring!)
It's prom night!
Tonight's events:
1. Photos for the couples start at 6:30 pm.
2. Grand March for prom is at 7:30 pm in the middle school gym. Please enter through the doors by the cafeteria. Parents and the public will be expected to leave after grand march.
3. The prom goes until 11:00 pm.
4. The after prom party will be held in the high school gym from 10:30 pm until 3:00 am. All students from grades 10-12 that are eligible can attend the after prom party whether they go to prom or not.
There is Saturday Academy today for middle school students from 9 am to 3 pm in the middle school. We are here to help!
Note: there is no academy for high school today due to prom.
Movie Night at Edwin Loe!
Time: April 19th 6pm-7:30pm
Who: Kinder-3rd grade students
(4th-6th grade will have one in May)
Movie Chosen: Lilo and Stitch
-Each student will get a pizza, popcorn, and pop!
-The gym, electronic room, and an art room will be open as well.
-This is a great way to get buy backs for attendance.
The winners of the Open House/PTC door prizes are:
Guadalope Garcia
Allan Demaray
Barbara Pineda
Melanie Minafore
Please pick up your winning prize at the business office.
The New Town Middle School and High School parent-teacher conferences and open house will be held on April 17, 2024 from 4-7 pm. Special guests will be: NHSC, Fort Berthold Diabetes Program, The Door, and The Boys and Girls Club. Also family pictures, door prizes, and the cake walk! A meal will be served.
Please note schedule changes!
Tues 4/16
Softball @ Renville (the game is in Mohall) 430 (leave at noon)
now rescheduled to 4/29 Softball vs Renville 3:30 (In Glenburn)
4/29 Softball vs Glenburn 10 minutes after the conclusion of the first game
Wed 4/17
Eligibility runs 6pm
Thurs 4/18
Fri 4/19
Softball @ Bottineau (dismissed at 11:30) game at 4:30
now rescheduled to 5/14 in Bottineau start time at 4:00
Track @ Nedrose
Elem Boys BB vs Parshall and white shield
games start at 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 6:30---give or take a few minutes
Sat 4/20
Please be advised that weather conditions may occur and game/meet changes will happen!